Consecration of a new Worshipful Lodge "Porta Pyretos" No.22 at the East of Chernivtsy city
On September 11, 2021 in the city of Kyiv at the Annual Communication of the GLU a solemn ritual of consecration of a new Worshipful Lodge "Porta Pyretos" No.22, located at the East of Chernivtsy city, was conducted. Delegations of the Grand Lodges of Scotland, Bulgaria, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Poland, Belarus, Romania, Moldova and the state of Tennessee (USA) were present at the consecration of the Lodge.

The first work of the Worthy Lodge was carried out on September 18, 2021 in the East of Chernivtsi. The Worshipful Master and his officers performed the ritual of bringing Light into the city of Chernivtsi, which had not been seen there for over 80 years.
Opening of the Masonic Lodge symbolically coincided with the anniversary of Chernivtsi district Sadgora, where exactly 250 years ago the Mason Baron Peter Gartenberg founded the first lodge on the territory of modern Chernivtsi.
Also, as 250 years ago, a commemorative medal was issued to honor the opening of the Worshipful Lodge.